The Australian Government has published a discussion paper about an ethical framework for artificial intelligence (Dawson et al, 2019).
Responses to the discussion paper can be submitted until 21 May 2019.
The discussion paper defines ‘narrow’ artificial intelligence as:
A collection of interrelated technologies used to solve problems autonomously and perform tasks to achieve defined objectives without explicit guidance from a human being. (2019, 14)
The discussion paper includes this map of recent developments in artificial intelligence ethics worldwide (2019, 4):

The discussion paper also includes a list of core principles of Artificial Intelligence (AI).

The discussion paper concludes that a proactive approach to the ethical development of artificial intelligence does more than “just mitigate against risks”. Its aim is to safeguard the rights of all Australians.
Shortly after writing this post, a colleague shared Dan McQuillan’s Towards an anti-fascist AI (link). In it, Dan observes “It needs to be more than an ethical AI, because most ethical AI operates as PR to calm public fears while industry gets on with it”. He concludes “An antifascist AI is a project based on solidarity, mutual aid and collective care. We don’t need autonomous machines but a technics that is part of a movement for social autonomy”. A second link shared Joi Ito’s (2018) Resisting Reduction manifesto and his thoughts how we might all flourish harmoniously.
The Finnish Tax Administration has published a set of principles for the ethical use of Artificial Intelligence (link). The Tax Administration: promotes the adoption of ethically sustainable Artificial Intelligence technologies and international procedures in Finland; influences changes in legislation; and communicates openly about the tasks in which Artificial Intelligence is used.